Monday, October 17, 2011

Exams coming... soon!

Well, with everything happening, I'm having less and less time and the deadlines are approaching. Got on my 21st driving course, getting there, slowly but surely. Almost hit a dog last Saturday! Fortunately, my tutor braked in time and avoided any accident. Otherwise, getting very well with parking, rear drive and driving on the mains. Only thing now is that he told me that the traffic is much more difficult during weekdays, what is, on the day of my test. So, I'm going to use the day I have my ACCA mock exam, which will be on the 24th, Monday next week. So... driving course in the morning, then mock exam in the evening. Talk about a day off work...

Otherwise, I've been playing Frozen Synapse a little, got maybe halfway through the campaign, not bad, not 'extraordinary' either, but sure takes a lot of power from my laptop.

Something else which happened is that I made my first vectors. Electrode and Shinx. They're both on my deviant art account and I would gladly like some feedback on them. I've been doing Luxio in the meantime, but it's not working as well lol. In other news, I joined the group of #PMD-Explorers on DA. I was looking for a group where I could get some drawing techniques and get better at vectors, and stumbled on that group. And me having liked the PMD series, I started reading through it, seeing the nice drawings and the ~3000 members. Well, it was interesting and after seeing here and there, finally decided to join. I hope that I will be able to participate soon and get better at drawing too XD.

And last thing, touhoumon. Yes, I completed the game story wise, or so I believe. I have beaten the league, but it won't save the file, so I'm stuck 'pre-league' and made my way to the other part of that world to get some more tomes, got 2 in the process, not too hard, except for the Bamboo Forest one. Those 'blind mazes' get so confusing... So, I'm stuck there and I don't know where to get the last HM, Waterfall, which prevents me from going to an area I am pretty sure must be accessible; because the others don't seem to be.

Forum wise, I gave a last chance to AMHD. The activity sure has risen, but the issue remains the same. They treat volunteers as if they are employees and that is not acceptable. But as long as they don't come to me and say do this and that, I'll be fine. And I've been to another QA site since; It's not 'that' bad, but it's not as good as AMHD used to be either. Oh well, I still have MHF, PHF and CHF where there are the options I like, besides the missing LaTeX in PHF and CHF. And I joined too. Not bad either, but they sure could do better!

Okay, I think that that's it for now. It's been quite long and... the IRC client has been blinking a lot now x3.

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