Monday, May 30, 2011


Okay, it's been a while since I've not been here now. This was due to work and several scripts for my IRC bot that I've taken and edited and well... re-written in some cases and so far, there's only the Golden Script and the Quotes script having some problems. Wait, youtube too is having a problem now T.T.

Other than that, some of the scripts working are pokedex (though my table of referrence is off from every pokemon coming after Magcargo alphabetically because of a typo in my original database and which I'm currently fixing), conversion of units (from metres to feet and vice versa, etc), conversion of currency, world time, world weather, 8ball and perhaps some more.

I'm also starting a nuzlocke with Pokemon VoltWhite given by Silver, I wonder how it'll work. I'm applying the basic rules;
Catch first pokemon in an area and that's the only one allowed in the area,
Faint and call the pokemon dead by releasing it.

I'm modifying a little the rules since it's VoltWhite: Faint first time in an area, and you get to try again once more through your latest save.

And last, I'm thinking about making a stalk area :O